Minimise water usage


Ensure Availability & Sustainable Management of Water & Sanitation for All

(Activities of 2022)


 Minimise Water Usage


Afforestation Campaign

The College of Science conducted a voluntary campaign to plant a mangrove tree and a number of 350 trees to plant the coast of the Shatt al-Basra near the public estuary - Nazim Shatt al-Basra to confront climate changes and desertification throughout the country in general and Basra in particular within a campaign to green Basra, Under the supervision of Dr. Abd al-Ridha Akbar Alwan and Dr. Wedad Mizban Taher, head of the Gardens Committee at the college, and in cooperation with the Marine Science Center, Mr. Jihad Al-Zuwar and Dr. Ayman, the staff of the college, with the participation of the Basra Agriculture Directorate and the Basra Governorate Diwan, planted and planted trees.






The experience of cultivating mangrove trees "Mangroves" in the Iraqi coasts to protect them from erosion

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Mangrove planting site project 1

A scientific team from the Marine Sciences Center at the University of Basrah on a scientific trip to Khor Abdullah, the site of the Great Port of Faw, the western breakwater, to grow seedlings of mangrove plants, as part of an experiment that is the first of its kind in Iraq. Through it, 80 mangrove seedlings were planted, and agriculture aims to develop the marine environment and develop fish and shrimp wealth because of the important effects of this plant in improving the environment as well as protecting the Iraqi coast from erosion by water currents.

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Mangrove planting site project 2

A team of research professors at the Marine Sciences Center visited the mangrove planting site, Project, in Khor Al Zubair Oil Port to follow up on the cultivated plants and record the growth vocabulary for the fourth season of the experiment.

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Green Spaces

The goal of the annual agricultural week at our university was to increase the green spaces inside the college and take care of them through agriculture, organization and continuous development, in order to add aesthetics to the place, which contributes positively to the psyche of the student.

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A Ph.D. dissertation at Basrah University entitled: “Evaluating Al-Badaa Water Project and its Importance in Developing Water Supply and Demand in Basra Governorate” by Abdul Hassan Abdul Nebi Hashim Hamidy.


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University of Basra organizes a scientific workshop on solutions to water crises in Basrah.

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All green spaces in the university are subject to irrigation in several methods such as the method of paracentesis or distillation, where the university provides large water tanks to cover the irrigation process for all cultivated areas. Thus, the total area that absorbs water is 40% of the total area. 





Agricultural Week

For encouraging competitiveness among the faculties and the university centers, the agricultural week is continuous throughout the year. The level of agricultural performance at the university is evaluated monthly in order to achieve progress towards the goal of increasing the green spaces at the university.







Earth Day

Within the celebrations of the University of Basrah on International Earth Day, a campaign was launched to plant beautiful flowers and trees in all gardens of the university faculties. The objective of such campaigns is to encourage and educate the students to preserve gardens and increase the green area in the university for a clean and healthy environment free of pollution.

















Extending the green areas of the University.